Remus: *blush* Padfoot! What the hell are you doing?
Sirius: Quiet, I'm trying to concentrate.
Fanworks > Clues by Sarah
Remus Lupin frowned at the piece of parchment in front of him. The message was writen in Sirius's unmistakable scrawl.
Meet me in the Astronomy Tower at Midnight.
Remus snorted and tossed the parchment away. Alone? With Sirius?! On April Fools? Right. There would be a better chance of Prongs being crowned Queen of England. Still, the note DID peak his curiosity. And while curiosity wasn't a sin in itself, it sure could be a regretable trait.
Hefting his bag a little higher onto his shoulder, Remus set out for the Library. There was still some time to work on homework before supper.
Upon entering the doors to the Library though, he bumped into none other but Sirius, who simply smiled and handed him another note before leaving. Remus sat down at his favorite table (right by a window) and opened his note.
Curiosity never killed any Werewolves, so you better show! Bring us something to eat to the tower when you come, won't you? There's a good Wolf.
Rolling his eyes, Remus dropped this note into his bag before pulling out and setting to work on the 14 Inch essay McGonnagal wanted on Historical Developments in Transfiguration.
Remus worked dilligently until noticing the rush of students leaving the Library to go to supper. Quickly packing up his things, Remus made his way to the Great Hall with the others.
Once he reached the Gryffindor table though, he instantly took note of Sirius's abscence. Sitting down, he eyed Prongs.
"Where's Padfoot?" he asked, picking up his fork and digging in. Prongs only grunted and shrugged, too enraptured with both his meal, and staring at Lilly Evans. With a sigh, Remus gave up hope of ever getting any usefull information from his friend, and just ate his supper, being sure to stash a bit of fruit and cake away as Sirius had requested.
Once he'd finished, he bid goodbye to Prongs and Wormtail, and headed back to the Dorms. He could still finish that essay yet, if he worked hard. Reaching the dorms, he plunked down into the closest chair and set to work.
Finally, some hours later, the dreaded essay was complete, and Remus closed his eyes and smiled in satisfaction. He closed his eyes for a little longer then he intended though, because he was awoken by the bells tolling the time. With a yelp, he shot up out of his chair.
Sirius! He was late! Grabbing his bag, he made his way as quickly as he could to the Astronomy Tower. Panting, he burst through the door and stopped short.
Candles were everywhere. A picnic basket with flowers and drink was spread on the floor. Sirius stood in simple muggle attire - jeans and a white shirt, looking completely adorable.
Walking up to Remus, he took the other boy's bag from his hands, set it down, and pulled him into a hug.
"Surprise!" he whispered.
Harry Potter, etc, © J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., Scholastic, etc | Layout and art © 2003 Robyn