From: WhitelighterandMaurader
You know how Sirius always says he's a god? Well do you guys think that he might
be the god of stupidness?
Snape: Yes, and furthermore, I'd say you're his consort for even having to ASK my opinion of Black. Next please.
From: Padfoot127
Ok, if you had one hour and a roll of duct tape, what would you do?
Hummm. Many tempting possibilities leap to mind, but the first is this. It would involve hanging the God of Stupidity and his Consort upside down and exposing their unmentionables while the Slytherins get to practice Hexes on them.
From: Sarah
What is the main thing you live for?
Snape: To see house points deducted from Gryffindor. I should hex you for even having to ask such an obvious question.
From: Whoohoo
How long is a piece of string?
Snape: However long I need to tie Black and the rest of his crew to Whomping Willow.
From: allikitty699
Why is the sky orange? PS I love Remus! (If anyone is god it's Moony!)
Snape: Perhaps you've been drinking some strange potions, because the last time I checked, the sky, indeed, was not orange, but blue. Better back of the Butterbeer too, woman, if you think LUPIN is God. The day HE is named a God, I will gladly dance around in a Pink Tutu.
From: Fire Godess
Snape I'm a wizard so you can't use or normal excuse to not answering questions!! So if you had to choose one color to be the rest of your life(example: blue skin, hair, eyes, ect.) what would it be?
Snape: Black. Easier to sneak into your place at night to Hex you for such a pointless question. Movin' RIGHT along.
From: WhyDoYouWantToKnow
Okay, here's my question: Ni or it?
Snape: Being a closet fan of Monty Python's Quest For The Holy Grail, I will point you towards "Ni". I like your style kid. Why not "Join the dark side; we have cookies?"
From: Lily Evans
This is for Snape, what would you do if you found out you were somehow related to James? *laughs evily* I feel sorry for James tho...if that were to ever happen that is...
Snape: If I was related to Potter, throwing myself of London Bridge would be the least I could do.